The Instrument is in an early beta phase and also the text here is in work! But it should mirror (at least for 90%) what you will get in spring/summer.
Wackelpudding is a smart beatbox/groove-/drummaschine, which covers all aspects of creating "modern" drums in record-time.
On the paper it sounds like a joke: Only 8 slots and only 8 stepper-lanes.
Well guys, thats right!
But under the hood/at your fingers/hearing/feeling/ you will maybe re-ask the paper-speakers: And, when will you reduce to the max????
Filly Wonka is maybe the fastet way to create exactly the grooves, with exactly the sounds you want. It has no place for feature-over-loading-babylon-gimmicks... its straight, fast, over-smart and has only the advanced features you really want.
Its a drummaschine, not a pseudo-daw, or replacing tool for eg. ocean-audio/wavelab!
Creating finest wonky-beats in seconds: Let you inspire by one of the best swing/groove algorithm in the world, "playing/adjusting" in realtime and fine-adjust it for each lane (also in RT). There is even PRE-Delay for each lane separately "on the fly", for eg. more "energized" snares and claps, or filigreed offsets for hats and percussions...
Creating your own kits wich really fit/glue together in shortest times. There is a special view wich gives you access to the most needed features in one compact overview. If you have a basis, batch-copy/paste it to 8 slots and make your fine-adjustes/compare 8 settings.
- 64 step-sequences are waiting of 64 kits , 64 (separate) unit-settings or 64 send-mix-settings or 64 groove/swing/velocity/modulation.... settings
- "twist" all of this however you want and that per each "single-preset"
- play/remote/automate... the sequences, the kits, the units, the mixer, the fx, the other stuff... separately or together
- make a batch-copy/paste to 8 slots from the current (twisted) settings and fine-adjust the "single-copies", than ABCD... compare it.
- bounce only what you need/want by soloing the relevant pieces
- High efficient code (no 1:1 library stuff, with hundreds of non-necessary calculations); very cpu-friendly and fastest load-times.
- 3 "Send"-Mixer-Amount for each unit. Its also possibility that a sound only comes trough the mix, without any "DRY"
- Fastest acces to the most relevant parameters:
- pattern/bank - beam knobs/pads or knobs/faders
- so called "Keepers": Let eg. the kit (or an unit) as it is, browse only trough the SQ/the mix/the groove... settings
- consolidate your current (master = all in one) settings to a new "flexx"; copy(batch)paste them, without influencing the other ones/instances
- "Raw" Samples where recorded from more than 100 (old- and newscool) drummaschines. Only the best 30-40 per category came in as "usual". Some of the "unsorted" and some of the "sorted" got a special "batch-processing" in ocean-audio and Effekthascher as plugin. Some of them several times;-)
y-men (Samstag, 23 Januar 2016 12:16)
test test test