EH v 1.4 whats new?
Under some circumstances, some flex does not sound as "saved"by the first click of the
corresponding flex-area (or choose per remote). - FIXED!
Under some circumstances, in some DAW, the saved song does not start with the corresponding (last saved)
flex / bank. - FIXED!
- SEQ-Section now works really proper!
- Optimized Mastersnap-section.
- Optimized Flex-change and edits, now in all views available
- 3 new master-snaps (each with 64 flex-presets = 192 in total).
- There is special addendum for all news as PDF - read this!
In most DAW there should automatically created an autark/unique small "window" for this DAW in an useful order for most popular "IDs".
You will need this window to access elements of your hardware as a remote-element or for automation in the DAW-clips/timeline.
I dont know why, but Ableton Live only creates untidy entries by default.
For this, there is a special Ableton template/preset (adg-file) in the folder.
Copy this to your Ableton-User-Lib > Presets > Audio Effects > Audio Effekt Rack and you will get a tidy window!
Kommentar schreiben
sex telefon (Donnerstag, 19 Januar 2017 10:23)
most popular beds (Dienstag, 23 Mai 2017 15:12)
Thank you for taking the time to publish this information very useful!
posicionamiento web mallorca (Mittwoch, 07 Juni 2017 14:01)
If more people that write articles really concerned themselves with writing great content like you, more readers would be interested in their writings. Thank you for caring about your content.